New posts in past-tense

What tense do I use for different actions in the past for dead people?

Is this sentence grammatically correct: "She would make for a convincing Amy." [closed]

Is the sentence “While i was traveling i had seen beautiful buildings.” ungrammatical?

‘have been’ VS ‘were’

Is this grammatical? "It is I who was being romantic about tradition" [closed]

Have been awarded or was awarded? [duplicate]

"might" vs "might have" in a narrative set in the past

Knew, realized + the past/present

He has just been offered or he was offered

"I got used to" or "I have got used to" [duplicate]

What is the difference between : " I turned around and saw X" and " I was turning around and saw X" ( Simple past vs past continous)

Is "helped paved" construction correct? (It's very prevalent—perhaps it's dated?)

Get used to + Be used to [closed]

Usage of "in" before were in a sentence from Shoe Dog

My grandma believed that the Sun "revolves" or "revolved" around the Earth? [duplicate]

Should I write "I have been teamed up" or "I had been teamed up"

"Passed" versus "past" instance in a published novel

Combining future perfect tenses in a sentence

For reports written in present tense, which time is usually used for "citations"? Present or past tense?

Does "had" necessitate that someone is no longer in possession if something?