New posts in present-perfect

Is this grammatically correct: "It has happened for a while now." [closed]

Present perfect passive voice

Have cried/have been crying [duplicate]

"I got used to" or "I have got used to" [duplicate]

Which is more correct here: "find" vs. "have found"?

Using present perfect continuous without mentioning time period

Is there any pragmatic implication in ‘Beaky has enjoyed London’ here?

Present Perfect tense in combination with 'for/in/since'

The present perfect usage

Hadn't seen vs Haven't seen

Preposition "to" with places in present perfect

Difference between 'He has been involved' and 'He has been watching TV'

"Do you ever do something" vs. "Have you ever done something" [duplicate]

Is the relation between the present perfect/progressive and the present time merely coincidental?

Which is grammatically correct? we're having rain or we've been having rain

Dilemma between present perfect simple and past simple

Why no Future Perfect in "At the end of the year there will be an exam on everything you've studied"?

Present perfect and reported speech

"Have got" used with "since"

Perfect vs Perfect Continuous