New posts in grammaticality

'I couldn't use to' instead of 'I didn't use to be able to/I used not to'

Past Perfect Continuous vs. Past Perfect

him/his - what is the right one and why? [duplicate]

The future perfect continuous - prediction what was happening in the past

"Ing form of see (Seeing)" [closed]

What do broad and narrow mean in the context?

I am 5-minute late? [closed]

White Women's T-shirt vs Women's White T-shirt

"You all need to put your right feet/foot in front of your left"

"Victoria Tube line part shut hit by wet concrete flood" . Is this correct English?

Usage of "before" in "I watched the sequel before the original movie"

think vs thought

Comprehensive problem

'of yet' and 'as of yet'

Can contractions always be used to replace their original words? [duplicate]

The conference started tomorrow

Type of vs Types of, kind of vs kinds of [duplicate]

Is this grammatically correct: "It has happened for a while now." [closed]

Can one be *highly* ambivalent?

Using "disable" as a noun