New posts in sentence-ends

Can contractions always be used to replace their original words? [duplicate]

Can / Should you begin *and* end a sentence with a preposition

should there be space between a sentence and question mark or not? [duplicate]

Can I put the question word "where" at the end of a question? [closed]

Comma at the end of a sentence?

Can you end a multi-sentence quotation with a comma?

Is it acceptable to put "at least" at the end of the sentence without a comma?

Why is there a comma at the end of this Sentence?

Can I have a comma followed by a word at the end of a sentence?

Commas around 'Too' [duplicate]

Is "too, once" or "once, too" correct?

Difference between: Also, too and as well [duplicate]

"Not so much" at the end of a sentence

In the sentence "You, too.", is the comma acceptable?

"I'll go with the candidate I'm used to" or "I'll go with the candidate to whom I am used?"

Sentence ending in a preposition [duplicate]

Proper usage of 'if so' in a sentence

It is acceptable to end these sentences with prepositions? [duplicate]

Is it grammatical to finish a sentence with "also"?

You are in Jonathan’s circles: "too" or "as well" or "also"?