New posts in sentence-ends

Ungrammatical: "Half the boys jumped, but only a quarter of the girls did."?

Comma before "respectively" — Is it needed? [duplicate]

Comma usage near end of sentence

Can you end a sentence with a clitic like "they're"? [duplicate]

Comma before "now" at end of sentence [closed]

"...and all would have to be accounted for." Improper sentence ending at 'for'. Please suggest alternative [duplicate]

Can “it is” always be shortened to “it’s”? [duplicate]

In my example, comma or no comma before the word respectively?

Is there an exception to the prohibition against ending a sentence with “ ’s ” at work here?

Is it correct if I complete a sentence with "Before"?

"If you don't do it, I'll". Why does that sentence feel so awkward? [duplicate]

Should there be a comma before "though" when it occurs at the end of a sentence?

Is there a rule forbidding the use of “is” at the end of a sentence? [closed]

Can you grammatically end a sentence with "with"?

Comma or no comma before "too"?

Art is anything you can get away with [duplicate]

Usage of the phrase " just because" at the end of sentences

In what cases should I use a comma after "please"?

Is there some rule against ending a sentence with the contraction "it's"?

Is it ever correct to have a space before a question or exclamation mark?