New posts in politeness

Is "could use" rude?

"Bash her up" – offensive or just an idiom?

How to say no politely and friendly to recommendations from waiters/staffs at a restaurant/cafe? [closed]

Pointing out customer's mistake politely in customer support setting [closed]

"You got it" vs. "I got it"

Telling someone that they are rude [closed]

19th C forms of address

Is the expression "see you when I see you" impolite? [closed]

British term for 'washroom'? [duplicate]

Polite/professional alternative to 'It turns out'

Does "nattering" have a negative connotation?

Using the word "doc"

What does "talk to the hand" mean?

Is the word "awful" offensive if used to describe someone's skills? [closed]

How does one address a blended family in which the members have different surnames?

Can't ask for or couldn’t ask for what to use in this following context? Is this phrase Couldn't ask for has any particular grammar rule? [duplicate]

Connotation of "I was led to believe"

Is the use of ellipses... rude? [closed]

take so long vs taking so long [closed]

Are the expressions "pissed" and "pissed off" inappropriate?