New posts in letter-writing

Can I use 'Yours sincerely' when I write 'Dear Parent'?

Subject of an email [closed]

Addressing several doctors in a salutation [duplicate]

How to correctly express a successful job (where others failed) in a cover letter [closed]

Capitalization for email greeting: Good morning OR Good Morning [closed]

How to express a group suggestion? "I would like for us all to ..."

“Is there a way you could/would accept?” [duplicate]

Salutation punctuation: is "Hi!," okay? [closed]

How does one address a blended family in which the members have different surnames?

Short expression for "If you are not 100% convinced yet, this last thing will seal the deal"

"a couple of things" in a formal letter?

Is 'Yours hopefully' formal or informal?

Letter writing: Refering to enclosed items

Can I use alma mater before graduating?

Is 'keep someone across' a new phrasal verb?

An alternative phrase or sentence for "With reference to the subject above"?

Is it unprofessional to say "Sorry for my English"? [closed]

Should I end with "Yours sincerely" or "Yours faithfully" when writing to editor? [duplicate]

Punctuation after valediction [duplicate]

Status of 'Dear Both' as a salutation