New posts in expression-choice

Quality of life Vs. Life Quality

An expression for the trigger of something that was inevitable [duplicate]

"To go so far as to" — suitable for academic writing?

you have confused me or you have got me confused?

Interjection said to a fisherman/angler for good luck

another way to express "not limited to"

How to describe a customer's business [closed]

Expression that means "as soon as something is finished"

How to describe "choose to do something by one's own willing"

Word for a decaying and renewing system, like a coral reef

What is the word or phrase that describes the feeling of well-being or satisfaction from an act (for example spring cleaning)

What’s a catchy phrase that means get the most out of your dollar? [closed]

in southern Wales, in the south of Wales, in the southern part of Wales? [closed]

"hunger resistant"

comma with phrases that use "yet"

What do we call "easily readable books"?

What is the expression for sofa or cushion "go down"? [closed]

"On the air" OR "On air"

Is there an expression to say someone will replace me at a meeting?

How to say "I understand how to do something conceptually, but not concretely?" [closed]