Interjection said to a fisherman/angler for good luck

In some other languages, there are interjections said to a fisherman (especially to an angler) for good luck, other than "good luck!" itself.

Is there any in English too?

I suppose, "good luck" is a common expression for this but I thought there might be a special expression for this occasion as well.

I recently read about "Tight lines!" also but never heard it before. Do you know anything about this expression?

Solution 1:

I guess that a tight line is a line being pulled by a big fish.. Could a fisherman ask for more?

When said between fishermen, it means "good luck".

Tight lines means you are hooked up with a fish, i.e. the line being tight between you and the fish. When you say that to a fishing friend, it means that you wish him/her good luck and "tight lines" - i.e. catching fish.