New posts in professions

What's the word for someone who studies partial differential equations?

Council, man, woman, or member? [closed]

Interjection said to a fisherman/angler for good luck

Is there a difference between a maker and a builder?

Noun opposite of a theoretician?

How old is the term "child minder"?

What's another way to say "problem area"?

What is the professional title of a messenger-bird-keeper?

System(s) Analyst - Should System be Plural or Singular?

What do you call a woman who is crafty, employs ingenuity in a general range of things like sewing, baking, paper crafts, etc

What's the word for a person who can read lines on a forehead?

A word the encompasses errors, issues and inaccuracies [duplicate]

Formal title/honorific for a lawyer

What is the name for a person who raises turkeys?

What is the name of the profession of car body repairing

Statisticians vs. stochasticians?

Whats the difference between "-ist" and "-er"

Addressing a person by occupation

When to capitalize a registered profession?

What is a shop called that sells music CDs?