A word for when two statements are both true or both false

Is there a word which basically means that there are two statements that are both true, or both false, but not one true and one false? In computing, we call this a bitwise and.

3 * 3 = 9
4 * 4 = 16

Both of those statements evaluate true, so I would want the word to apply here.

3 * 3 = 10
4 * 4 = 15

Both of these statements evaluate false, so I would want the word to apply here as well.

3 * 3 = 9
4 * 4 = 15

However, here, both statements disagree (one true, one false) and so the word shouldn't apply here.

Does such a word exist?

Solution 1:

In computing, we call this a bitwise and.

No, in computing this is called an "exclusive nor" or "XNOR".

In plain English, you could say that two statements are logically equal.

Solution 2:

In mathematics, two statements that are either both true or both false are said to be equivalent. If the two statements are A and B, one might also say A if and only if B, or A iff B for short.