How do I describe even values of the tenths digit of a number?

How can I describe the following numbers?


Can I call them "even tenths"?

For example:

"If the maximum value in the data set is 1, then the values displayed in the bar graph are the ______." I am pertaining to the numbers above.

Solution 1:

It just so happens that there is an answer to this very question on the math stack exchange.

Can decimal numbers be considered “even” or “odd”?

Reading through the answers there, I think it's safe to say that a decimal number can not be called even (or odd) unless you are prepared to get into some serious math and/or philosophy.

Solution 2:

You don't need to add even into your description.
The first place that comes after the decimal point is always just a tenth.

0.2 - two tenths, also shown as 2/10 (or one fifth, 1/5)

0.04 - four (one) hundredths

0.006 - six (one) thousandths and so on

If your number looked like this - 0.41 - then you would simply state that it is zero/nought-point-four-one or four tenths and one hundredth. It is not referred to as an uneven tenth.