static NSString usage vs. inline NSString constants

It's good practice to turn literals into constants because:

  1. It helps avoid typos, like you said
  2. If you want to change the constant, you only have to change it in one place

I prefer using static const NSString* static NSString* const because it's slightly safer than #define. I tend to avoid the preprocessor unless I really need it.

I love all the answers here without a simple example of how to correctly declare one... so...

If you want the constant to be externally visible (ie. "global").... declare it as such in a header...

extern NSString *const MyTypoProneString;

and define it in a .m file, OUTSIDE any @implementation like...

NSString * const MyTypoProneString = @"iDoNtKnOwHoW2tYpE";

That said... if you simply want a static const that IS LOCAL to your class' implementation (or even a certain method!)... simply declare the string INSIDE the implementation (or method) as...

static NSString *MavisBeacon = @"She's a freakin' idiot";

EDIT Although I do show how to do this... I have yet to be convinced that this style is in any way better than the ridiculously shorter, simpler, and less repetitive SINGLE declaration, á la..

#define SomeStupidString @"DefiningConstantsTwiceIsForIdiots"

Use #define's... they are way less annoying.. Just don't let the preprocessor-player-haters get you down.

You should make the static variable const.

One difference between static variable and a macro is that macros don't play well with debuggers. Macros also aren't type-safe.

Much of the static-var-vs-macro advice for C and C++ applies to Obj-C.