New posts in expression-choice

Word meaning the opposite of "golden"?

Is there a term for saying 'all countries outside the United States' without using the word 'foreign'? (used with international audience)

Short expression for "If you are not 100% convinced yet, this last thing will seal the deal"

Almost half a dozen [closed]

Shut your mouth

"Sorry if I bother you" vs. "Sorry to bother you" : Which one is more idiomatic? [closed]

How to better express "Dwayne Johnson has been given more footage than Jason Statham in the movie" [closed]

An expression to define that "very little span of time" [duplicate]

What's a nicer way of phrasing 'Aggressive schedule'? [closed]

in fact, in point of fact, as a matter of fact

Better alternative for "bring something to something"?

What is the proper use of exaptable? [closed]

Is the use of the dative of possession (from Latin) in English phrases proper?

Is there a business phrase for whack-a-mole?

"My name is X and I come from Syria" vs. "My name is X and I am from Syria" [closed]

Colloquial expression for something working very fast?

Should she have said that I stole the drink?

How to check phrasing and word choices?

What's the logical fallacy where people dismiss what you say as irrelevant to the real-world?

Saying that the mail has an attached form filled up by me?