New posts in writing-style

Comma or semicolon before "see [reference]"

Alternate use of "Curation" as a noun

Can one be *highly* ambivalent?

Spelling out non-cardinal small numbers

"To go so far as to" — suitable for academic writing?

How to discuss my unexpected experimental results? [closed]

The em dash, and correct usage in the sentence that follows [duplicate]

Formatting percentages [closed]

How do I quote a quote that has quotes in it? [duplicate]

How to refer to myself in a research paper? [closed]

What tense in a scientific paper

How to express a group suggestion? "I would like for us all to ..."

What construction should I prefer with "assumed"?

From which you have received (it)

Grammar - Having known subject for X years, I am sure that

Why do people use "..." in emails after people's names? For example, "Mike... "

Grammar clarification on a sentence [closed]

you owe me and you owe my [closed]

Word for kind of descriptive/metaphoric style

Analysis of following writing pattern