New posts in literary-techniques

Is there a name for this literary device from James Baldwin and question about punctuation? [duplicate]

There is a fatality about all physical and intellectual distinction

What is it called when novels don't start at the beginning of the storyline?

What language techniques are used in this well-known quote from Macbeth? [closed]

Is there any other literary technique other than metaphor in the following quote?

Word for one character explaining to another character some important points for benefit of the audience

Is there a difference between storytelling and narration?

Referring to a character by a trait rather than name/title/pronoun

Is "The Walking Dead" a personification?

Word for kind of descriptive/metaphoric style

Is there a term for the device of titling named chapters in a work of fiction?

Reverse personification [duplicate]

What is a term for describing words that sound similar in a pleasing manner when used together?

What is the literary device used in “She’s not just showing you what she made. She’s showing you what she’s made of”

Name of device for when a verb ESPECIALLY matches the rest of the sentence

Literary device: frequently referenced object which never appears

What is the name of the literary technique/device used where the reader is only shown one side of a dialogue?

A literary structure

What is it called when a word is used as an adjective to provide color to a description or activity? [duplicate]

Technique relating environment and emotions/personality