New posts in narration

Word for one character explaining to another character some important points for benefit of the audience

Is there a difference between storytelling and narration?

First-person narrative of a story occurring at the moment

What are the real rules for choosing between the simple past and past perfect when both actions are in the past?

Why do people use present tense when they are quoting someone? [duplicate]

“Thanksgiving was in four days”: something sounds funny!

Must + present perfect in a narration about past events

Is the sentence ' GRASS IS GREEN ' a universal truth? [closed]

Is it grammatically correct to use 'now' third person past tense narration? [closed]

Subjunctive Mood in Past Tense, Historical, Narratives

Is "thinks I" in Melville's Moby-Dick used in the sense of "thought I"? [duplicate]

Changing from indirect to direct speech [closed]

direct speech to indirect speech [closed]

How to describe narrated action?

Does "could" always mean something less likely than "can", even in backshifted subordinate clauses?

What is the historic present tense?

Reported Speech: He said, "I was sad"

Using 'said' as part of a compound verb [closed]

Who is "we" in my thesis?

In a story written in past tense, is using present tense grammatically correct in the narration?