New posts in simple-past-vs-past-perfect

What are the real rules for choosing between the simple past and past perfect when both actions are in the past?

Should the past perfect be eschewed?

American native speaker and perfect tenses

Past Hypothesis vs Past Condition

I just remembered or i have just remembered? [duplicate]

When to use and not to use Past Perfect

Tense simplification in subordinate clauses - past perfect instead of would have

Modal verbs and Past Perfect

Using Past Simple when talking about an event which was happening for a while before another event

The ways to indicate a state or an action which lasted and then ended at or before some point in the past?

Why "had" was used here [duplicate]

When to use past perfect continuous and simple past tense?

Past Perfect Simple vs Past Simple

What is the meaning of: "When I was in New York, I had visited the Statue of Liberty"?

Replacing past perfect tense with past tense

Past perfect or past simple in combination with present perfect?

Past vs Past Perfect

What difference does using 'had' make to those two verb tenses, and if so, what is it?

On official forms, does the present perfect imply that the situation is ongoing or has not yet concluded?

"Until" and past perfect