New posts in conditionals

Incorrect usage of unless

Past/Present tense in a conditional statement

Can I omit a subject in If-clauses?

Omitting will in "if-will-sentence" [duplicate]

First conditional only for future tense?

first conditional could modal

'Provided that' followed by 'no sooner'

"Whether or not..." vs. "whether... or not"

Would be glad to

Is there such a thing as a “past subjunctive”?

“if our photographer was” or “is” or “were”?

Conditional: “…if he makes a wrong statement.”

Constructions after "have to"

Is it grammatical to introduce a result clause using “then”?

What kind of conditional are these sentences?

'Would you prefer for me to do X?' or 'Would you prefer me to do X?'—which is better in English and why? [closed]

Is the following acceptable: was expecting + if I hadn't had

What’s the difference between using “would ᴠᴇʀʙ” and “would have ᴠᴇʀʙᴇᴅ” in the “then” part of conditionals?

Can "If I would" ever be correct?

Are "If I could" clauses always followed by "would"?