New posts in irrealis-were

Hello I’d like to ask if my grammar is correct! We’re having fun last night! [closed]

“if our photographer was” or “is” or “were”?

Why ”were” and not “was” in “and e’en to tell it ᴡᴇʀᴇ no easy task”?

Shakespeare’s Subjunctive

Past subjunctive Vs. Present Subjunctive

Subjunctive Mood in Past Tense, Historical, Narratives

"If you were to ..." or "If you ..." or "If you will ..."

Irrealis “were” following “as if”

Leo DiCaprio pretended he was a doctor or "he were" a doctor? [closed]

Using "wish" to express regret in the present and in the past

Reported Speech with was and were

Has “if I was” be­come gram­mat­i­cally cor­rect in a south­ern US di­alect? [duplicate]

Confusion about "Past Real Conditional"

was or were in Subjunctive Mood [duplicate]

the use of 'were' and 'was' when describing a situation [duplicate]

Again, "if it wasn't" or "if it weren't"? [duplicate]

Behave as if it was or it were

When to use "If I was" vs. "If I were"?