Possible Duplicate:
“If I was” or “If I were”. Which is more common, and which is correct?
Which is correct: “what if there was” or “what if there were”?

Which of following sentences is formed properly? Why?

Although Reza has a successful career as a lawyer, he still wishes he was a rock musician.


Although Reza has a successful career as a lawyer, he still wishes he were a rock musician.

Solution 1:

I would use were, because wish is one of those very rare verbs that still takes the subjunctive mood for most speakers. This was a big deal when once upon a time the original Oscar Meyer weiner song came out with the lyrics

Oh, I wish I was an Oscar Mayer weiner,
that is what I'd truly like to be,
'cause if I were an Oscar Mayer weiner,
everyone would be in love with me!

And there was a big write-in campaign to make them "fix" to its current rendering:

Oh, I wish I were an Oscar Mayer weiner,
that is what I'd truly like to be,
'cause if I were an Oscar Mayer weiner,
everyone would be in love with me!

Wish is a pretty common verb in English, and it takes past subjunctive for those who still maintain that distinction for the hypothetical, contrary-to-reality case.