New posts in clauses

How very dare you!

Limitations of Subordination and Nested Clauses

Why is this that-clause a subordinate?

Use semicolon or period when telling a result of an action?

Can I omit a subject in If-clauses?

Clause structure

Clause for the phrase "Being that ..."

Nonrestrictive Clauses and Coordinating conjunction separating two independent clauses

"Why is it that..." relative clause? [closed]

Is it grammatical to introduce a result clause using “then”?

Semi-colon or colon?

What kind of phrase/clause is "as far as I know"? [closed]

The "that" elimination problem

Alternatives for expression "is that"

Should I use WHICH or BY WHICH?

In what cases can we begin noun clauses with a preposition?

Should I use "Most of which" or "Some of them"?

Which one should I use? "OF IT" or "OF WHICH" [closed]

Explanation for misuse of 'where' in a main clause

How the west was won - Is this a noun phrase?