New posts in coordination

Nonrestrictive Clauses and Coordinating conjunction separating two independent clauses

Can we use "Since..., thus.... as a grammatically valid sentence?

Who is lost in thought in "I had no glimmer of what was in his mind, nor did he enlighten me, but sat lost in thought..."? [closed]

When to use "And" at the start of sentence? [duplicate]

Is the apostrophe placed before or after "and" in this instance? [duplicate]

Correct or not: noun and adjective being predicative together

Should there be a comma before “so” in the following sentence?

"Though I recruited him, I do not like him." versus "Though I do not like him, I recruited him."

Apostrophe with conjunction [duplicate]

Comma or semicolon between independent clauses that have internal commas and that are joined by a coordinating conjunction

Is "since" necessary in the sentence? "Never speak harsh words, since once spoken they may return to you." [closed]

What are the criteria for allowing repeated bare NPs in coordinate structures?

Coordinating conjunction for connecting list items

Comma in coordinating conjunction that includes an if-clause

Coordinating conjunctions in translation of Kafka

Coordinating privilege as a verb

Is ";so," an acceptable grammar structure?

How to use apostrophe properly in this sentence? [duplicate]

"What are Liam and Noel's jobs?" versus "What are Liam's and Noel's jobs?" [duplicate]

Need help with a sentence in my book [duplicate]