New posts in that

When do you use 'that' and 'which' [duplicate]

The "that" elimination problem

'You know nothing OF THAT OF WHICH we speak'

Can I answer someone's request with: "That, I can do."

Using "that" instead of "who", as a relative pronoun?

Use of "that" versus "about"

Is it OK to omit 'that' after 'however, in the middle of a sentence?

Should I use suppose or suppose that?

'I'm sure your friends will likely call you on your birthday.' Is "that" required? [duplicate]

Can you say "that which" instead of "that that"?

Is the pronoun THAT used as anaphora or cataphora?

Can you prove that phrase "it's important that you to remove" is grammatically incorrect?

proper use of 'that' demonstrative

Is it grammatically acceptable to start a sentence with "That that..."

"That" deletion, or is wrong?

How to parse A, B, or C that is D

the function of that [closed]

the function of that other than leading clause?

Does using "that" to introduce a subordinate clause serve any other purpose but to eliminate ambiguity?

Which + Noun : is a noun following after which?