New posts in that

"That heresies should arise, we have the prophesie of Christ..."

'The idea how/ the idea of how/ the idea that how' a recessive gene might become dominant

relative pronoun 'which' vs 'that' [duplicate]

Is this a proper usage of "that is"?

Is it "is" or "are" after "that" in the expression ...X of Y that is/are? Context provided in the question

When does a pronoun function as demonstrative or relative?

Why does "that" sound odd to me after "said" in these sentences with "as" and "like"?

Is this sentence grammatically correct and readable?

parts of speech the word 'that' can belong to [closed]

using "that is" in a sentence

Does "That" have to be next to the noun it modifies? [duplicate]

Where to place commas when a possibly parenthetical phrase follows "that"

"that that"?!? how to properly express doubt about a distance object?

Could anyone tell the function of "that" in the following sentence?

Comma and 'that' omissions in the sentence

Tag questions following that-clauses [closed]

Why doesn't a that-clause follow "in spite of"?

the usage of "such that"

Using "that" excessively in sentences

Is it grammatical to use the relative pronoun “that” after a comma?