New posts in non-restrictive

Nonrestrictive Clauses and Coordinating conjunction separating two independent clauses

Why is there — and should there be — a comma following a state or country's name?

How is this solved?! is it Essential or Non-Essential? [duplicate]

Is my StackExchange-Description written correctly? [closed]

Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking

She invited me to go with them, which I'd quite like to (do)

Can "that" introduce a clause that contains unecessary information?

What constitutes as a restrictive or nonrestrictive?

Commas with multiple prepositional (adverbial) phrases at the end of the sentence on the ground of restrictive/non-restrictive modifier

"few if any" vs "few, if any"

Does "That" have to be next to the noun it modifies? [duplicate]

Unsure whether the clause in this sentence is restrictive or nonrestrictive [closed]

Restrictive vs Non-restrictive Relative Clause

List of people including non-restrictive appositive

Is there a comma splice AND is this a restrictive or nonrestrictive clause?