New posts in question-tags

what is the meaning of time this---His success was down to being in the right place at the right time [closed]

How to answer this question? Yes or No [duplicate]

Which is the proper way to use "correct" after asking question in a sentence? [closed]

Difference between fish feed and fish food [closed]

Not your run of the ‘will’ tag question

Is it acceptable to use yes as a question tag?

Is the phrase "... or I'm mistaken" correct?

Question tags when 'nobody' is the object

"You haven't done it, have you not?" Northern sayings

How do we respond to tag question after urgings starting with 'Let's'?

Using can and can't [duplicate]

Which is correct? She said it was more beautiful, didn't she or wasn't it?

"Is he" versus "Isn't he" as Question Tags [duplicate]

Is it mandatory to use contractions in tag questions and the like?

Tag questions of proverbs, interrogative sentences and phrases

Can a possessive pronoun be used in a tag question?

Question tag after a verb modified by "only"

Question tags at the end of the sentences

Question tag for "you must have felt it too"?

Common tag question for "must"