How to answer this question? Yes or No [duplicate]

Solution 1:

No, I didn't go to school.
Yes, I went to school today.
You are right, I didn't.

Solution 2:

I had the same question before. I would reply no because that how I was taught. I usually say "No, I didn't go to school" and "No, I don't like eating fish." Maybe it's more colloquial. But I don't think it matters much as long as you clarify what you mean.

Solution 3:

"You didn't go to school today, right?"
"No." or "No, I didn't." (No, I didn't go to school today.)

If you are tempted to answer "Yes," to imply "Yes, you're right," (that I didn't go to school today), you might want to read a good explanation by JanusBahsJacquet in his comment below. In my opinion, it is better, and less confusing, to answer the above question by saying "No, I didn't," instead of just a "No".

"You do not like eating fish, do you?"
"No." or "No, I don't." (No, I do not like eating fish.)

Solution 4:

It sounds somewhat formal, but it is clearest to say "correct" or "that's right" if the assumption in the question is correct. If the assumption is incorrect, then make that clear by saying a whole sentence: "I went to school" and "I like fish."