New posts in parts-of-speech

How would pretty be classified in this sentence [duplicate]

Help me parse this sentence

Do words that act as nouns and adjectives in the same form constitute a particular part of speech class?

Meaning of the word "affect"

The use of the word "moot" as a noun

Adverb versus Adjective in -minded people

The difference between "parts of speech", "word classes", "word categories"?

What are the parts of speech of "at" and "least" in "at least"?

so much so that vs. so that

Grammar of 'no matter what'

What is the grammatical term for the word for someone who does something?

How to identify a phrasal verb + object from a verb + prepositional phrase

Is there a verb form for 'Logistics'?

Is there a specific term to refer to a word associated with specific part of speech?

"Why is it that..." relative clause? [closed]

Using 'stuck' as a verb

Are both the "special" and the "needs" in "special needs" adjectives?

What part of speech is "atom" in "hydrogen atom"?

Is "minus your points" a valid phrase?

Which part of speech has the fewest words?