New posts in objects

The semantic role of an object of a verb

Is this verse from Lady Gaga grammatically correct? [duplicate]

If someone pleads guilty to a crime, can they be described as "convicted"?

How to identify a phrasal verb + object from a verb + prepositional phrase

Complement or object?

From which you have received (it)

Is it best to use height or length associated to width for describing a 2D object?

How to use "neither" in second-person plural?

"Take something into account" vs "Take into account something" — are both correct?

That's What She Said Quote

What object am I referring to in this sentence?

Direct and Indirect objects in "I take my kids to school"

Why was the 'hoodie' given the name 'hoodie'?

What is the general term that describes subjects and objects? (direct, indirect and prepositional objects)

Figuring the SVO of the sentence "I'm Tom."

'I don't know WHOM he is' or 'I don't know WHO he is'? [closed]

subject + verb + infinitive

Avoiding the use of "the reader"?

The object of "I don't like people telling me what to do"?

"SALLY had been the first one to greet PAULINA when SHE appeared in the doorway" Pronouns