New posts in descriptive-grammar

Difference between "as" and "like"

Explain the difference between the following 2 sentences [closed]

Are people now "watching a lot of phone"?

Is it best to use height or length associated to width for describing a 2D object?

Might be OR Might have been [closed]

Is there a word or phrase in linguistics describes the patterns of English in common use?

Which preposition is correct with "settling"? The complete sentence is given below

Transform or Transforms?

Meaning of sentence in Frankenstein

In spoken language, if a name is used to substitute the pronoun I, which is the correct verb to use as the first person?

Which of these sentences is grammatically correct? [closed]

Using the plural form of proprietary for software

"will be finally" or "will finally be"?

Does "Verb to be" imply something?

What word would you use to describe this workflow?

Is there any dialect of English that uses "positive ever" to mean "once"?

On the phrase "You wouldn't think it to [look at him]"

Since 'few' is used for countable nouns and 'less' is for uncountable nouns

what does a native speaker say when he wanted to leave his work? [closed]

Using commas and pronouns correctly in "Not only because, but also" construct