New posts in descriptive-grammar

"Thought on" vs. "Thought about" vs. "Thought of"

"Are YOU coming to get me" / "Are you coming to GET me" Is there any grammatical or semantic difference?

Can "in order to keep" be used in place of "allowing"?

How do I describe the booting sound of some electronic devices?

Is the speech after the quotative "like" always non-literal?

How are computers affecting spelling and usage? [closed]

Is it correct to say that an organization was "formed ..." instead of "founded in May 1999"? If so when?

"if you have any questions, please call myself" and other bizarre new reflexive pronoun usages

How to create inline reference to all preceding items?

After and Before Clauses

Combination of the present perfect and the simple past?

Elided Compound or Simple sentence

When do we use Verb ING at the beginning of sentences?

does an "issued" a threat become "rescinded/revoked" when acted upon?

Grammar - for you / with you?

First conditional sentences

In the next year vs. For the next year vs. Over the next year

Should I use the word "might" to express someone's wish/hope in a past situation?

Is the phrase 'top-level' appropriate to describe data that makes general obeservations as opposed to more detailed ones?

Acclamation vs. acclaim as nouns: When to use one or the other?