New posts in sounds

Subject + sound + Adjective

Naming Duos: Why "Hall and Oates" over "Oates and Hall"?

What happens phonetically in "words that"?

Are there any words describing normal breathing?

I described text as sounding a certain way and someone said “I can’t hear him” what is what he did called?

Word referring to all letters with the long ē sound [closed]

Phrase to describe a chair being pulled

Difference between either and ether [closed]

Sound of ropes / strings / clothing material sliding against each other?

In Jamaican English, why is there no θ sound?

Word (adjective) to describe a harsh sound

How to describe this metallic sound?

How do I describe the booting sound of some electronic devices?

Name for that sound you make with pursed lips

Voiceless consonant -> voiced consonant before vowel?

Voiced sounds after voiced and unvoiced after unvoiced

Is /l/ in “whole” dark or clear?

Confusing 'r' sounds

Devoicing 'Voiced consonants' to their counterparts

Name for phrases that sound the same but have different meanings?