New posts in consonants

Pronunciation: vowels before dark L (Any accent)

What happens phonetically in "words that"?

On the velar nasal /ŋ/ sound followed by /k/

Pronunciation of T before W [duplicate]

Can you link the [ʃ] sound and [s] sound?

Name for letter U in words like 'suede' and 'penguin'

Do the words with non-palatalized pronunciation of g/c ("get", "give") always have a Germanic origin?

Is the pronunciation of 'th' as in think 'f' specific to a native speaker's variety of English?

Can a plosive consonant in a word be pronounced as an unreleased consonant?

Does the letter i serve as a consonant in words like "onion" and "view"?

Is there a rule why the correct spelling for "Marketing" is not " Marketting"? [duplicate]

Blending Two Individual Words Together That Share the Same Consonant Cluster

Name for words with same consonant sounds but different vowel sounds

Why was it necessary to divide alphabets into vowels and consonants?

Why is "Rosen Plevneliev" pronounced with a /z/?

how to pronounce "t's" sound, as in "it's" or "that's"

Is the "ng" sound often pronounced simultaneously with the "n" sound?

How did the silent 't' come into all these 'tch' words?

TH sound, is it continuant or stop?

Yod coalescence across words - only with "you(r(s))"?