New posts in palatalization

Do the words with non-palatalized pronunciation of g/c ("get", "give") always have a Germanic origin?

Fast speech and palatalization T+D

Why is "sure" pronounced with a "sh" consonant (voiceless postalveolar fricative [ʃ])? [duplicate]

'Travel' - Place of articulation of /t/

What is the origin, and correct spelling of, "shtook"?

"zh" vs. "j". Are these pronounced in the same way?

"Initial" is pronounced "inishal," so why isn't the verb "initiate" pronounced "inishate"?

Why is "liquorice" pronounced (or spelt) so strangely?

What is the trend in pronouncing the word "strength"? [closed]

Palatalization of the initial "s" in words starting with "str-"

How do I spell the truncation 'Cas', as in 'Sports Casual/Sports Cas'?

Why is "str" sometimes pronounced as "shtr"? [duplicate]

What rules of English allow the first t in “patient” to make an sh sound?

Pronunciation of voiceless alveolar fricative /s/ as ʃ (/sh/) in slang?

Why are "sugar" and "sure" pronounced with an SH?

What’s going on with “drink > drench”? Is it like “passage > passenger”?

What is the IPA for "trade"?