New posts in fast-speech-rules

How often does assimilation take place?

Will you grab - we'you grab [closed]

Past tense: "happen to have" or "happened to have"?

Not fully pronounced oʊ (ō) sound in some words

Blending Two Individual Words Together That Share the Same Consonant Cluster

Is there a reduction when you say "is there "or "is this"?

Do you take a break between words, when pronouncing?

Why is chocolate pronounced as CHOK-LATE and not CHO-KO-LATE? [closed]

Fast speech and palatalization T+D

About odd pronunciations of "Saturday"

You becoming 'CHU' and 'JU'

the weak form of 'on'

does sound th as d makes any difference in fast speech?

What is the trend in pronouncing the word "strength"? [closed]

Do "cook the" and "cooked the" get pronounced differently?

Pronunciation of "I" vowel name in fast speech

Is “not’ve” a valid [𝒔𝒊𝒄] contraction in either of spoken English or written English – or both or neither?

How to pronounce "TH" quickly?

"Extra W" sound in words

Is there a term for when the "d'" is dropped in a "not" contraction?