New posts in eye-dialect

'Gwine': How accurate is the African-American dialect in early 20th c writing?

How popular is 'brefass' in modern American vocabulary?

Punctuation of eye dialect

What is the proper pronunciation for Kipling's character-name "Mowgli"?

Why “me” instead of “my” in pirate speech?

meaning and usage of 'teh'

What do "Sech" and "Vich" mean in this sentence?

Where does "Whatcha" & "Didja" come from?

Is there a distinction between “victuals” and “vittles” that exists in writing but not in speech?

Why are expressions like “gonna”, “wanna” and “shoulda” American English?

Is it alright to use “usen’t” instead of “didn’t use to”?

SNL's Black Jeopardy: What does "fid'na" mean?

Is “not’ve” a valid [𝒔𝒊𝒄] contraction in either of spoken English or written English – or both or neither?

How to spell "the youzhe" as in the abbreviation of "the usual"

Sam Weller in The Pickwick Papers: What accent is Dickens portraying?

Etymology of "If I had my druthers..."

Correct way to spell "young'un"? [closed]

“kinda”, “sorta”, “coulda”, “shoulda”, “lotta”, “oughta”, “betcha”, "tseasy", etc. What are these?