New posts in dickens

Meaning of "as much to be pitied as ever I see" ("Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens)

In a Tale of Two Cities, Dickens says "in short, the period was so far like the present period" in the first paragraph of the first chapter [closed]

Who is Mrs Trimmer in Charles Dickens' novel "The Haunted House"?

Meaning of “bile” from Great Expectations

What are dress-boxes in a theatre?

What's the meaning of 'Min' in The Old Curiosity Shop?

What is the meaning of the sentence "I'll serve you out" from Dickens' Great Expectations?

Meaning of Jo's dialog in Chapter 16 of Bleak House

The meaning of "Not but what it might have been for something else; but it warn't."?

"Right tol loor rul!" Meaning - Dickens, Dombey and Son

German way of saying numbers found in Dickens [duplicate]

What does this "Change" mean in Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’?

Meaning of the phrase "treats of" in the title of chapter 1 of Oliver Twist [closed]

Why is Dolge not a Christian name?

What does "a day's work" mean?

What do "Sech" and "Vich" mean in this sentence?

Is there an opposite of want? [closed]

What does Dickens mean by "servant" in A Christmas Carol? [closed]

Dickens: meaning of “preserves” in “preserves of loaves and fishes”

I cannot understand the meaning of the following sentence fron Dickens' Notes of America [closed]