New posts in nineteenth-century-english

Difference Between "letter" and "paper in 19th century English

Getting on or off a horse-drawn carriage [closed]

What does Scandinavian Home mean? Late XIX, early XX century. Great Britain

What is the meaning of the sentence "I'll serve you out" from Dickens' Great Expectations?

Confusing sentence in an 1858 novel by George MacDonald

19th-century phrasing: Her sympathy was ours

Olden pejorative/word for a "fancy-pants"

What does the expression "old soldier" mean?

Ad­dress­ing boys and girls dif­fer­ently in (Vic­to­rian?) English schools

Why is there a space in the bowdlerised "L– ." in Jane Eyre?

Is "harlot" considered to be a derogatory word?

Where does 'talking through your hat' come from?

Is "Who art" correct?

Is "honor is satisfied" correct and have the meaning I think it has?

Addressing a person by occupation

Was Zink ever valid spelling for Zinc?

Who are "bully boys" in sea shanties?

Was "The 'F' Word" in common usage in the 1800s?