New posts in songs

Meaning of 'jiggelin' - word from the song 'Policeman' of Eva Simons

How should I understand "ought" in this verse?

Term for addictive song, replayed too many times it is hated or neutral now

"Had me blind" and grammar in lyrics/poems

"You're a crooked jerky jockey, and you drive a crooked hoss!" -- What's a Hoss?

What does "be out in" mean?

What does "her mama leaned hard" in this Emmylou Harris Song mean?

Did "sublime" and "cherubim" rhyme in the past?

What does this song quote mean? [duplicate]

The reason... is you? [closed]

"Left with an 'eight'" meaning of an expression found on a song (by Talk Talk) [closed]

Usage of "he don't" vs "he doesn't"

Does T become S sometimes in casual American speech?

Phrasal verb: Wash upon

Really don't / don't really difference [duplicate]

"already" pronounced as [ˈɔʋɪ]

Should it be "you and I" or "you and me" in the song "We are the world"

Is the Christmas carol “We Three Kings” intentionally ungrammatical for artistic reasons, or does it use archaic grammar?

The term for a song that people quickly become tired of on the radio?

What is the meaning of “Body Electric”?