Term for addictive song, replayed too many times it is hated or neutral now

I looked thoroughly on the internet, but I failed to find a term or single word (if exists any) for a song that is so addictive that you replay it again and again although you know you will hate it soon, or at most it'll become neutral to you. I found earworm, but it is about an unwanted song that is stuck in your head.

The song itself can be said to be an earworm:

An earworm, sometimes known as a brainworm, sticky music, or stuck song syndrome, is a catchy piece of music that continually repeats through a person's mind after it is no longer playing.

This is not necessarily a derogatory term, although the experience is often negative.

Not a single word, but a song like that is described as being "played to death". This Huffington Post entry shows the usage, as I'm struggling to find a dictionary entry at the moment.

Catchy songs are frequently overplayed

  1. Attractive or appealing: a catchy idea for a new television series.
  2. Easily remembered: a song with a catchy tune. [MWD]