New posts in rhymes

she sells seashells type of rhyming style

Is there a name for a rhyme scheme where the rhyming words have conflicting/twisted meaning?

Spelling or Saying Words Differently to Create a Rhyme

What is a "sounds like" thesaurus called?

Term for phrases that almost rhyme but are orally rhythmic

What is the name of this rhyme scheme: ABABCCDDC?

Is there a word for a word (ex of ‘word’:near rhyme) that has a rhyme with the middle of a word?

Older pronunciations of the "-ity" suffix [duplicate]

Meaning of the counting rhyme "Eenie Meenie Miney Moe"

What is the word for obtaining a rhyme by mispronouncing a word using a regional dialect?

No coffee, no workee - meaning

Is there a word that means "almost rhymes"?

Does any word rhyme with 'wolf'?

What word is complimentary, but sounds like "chunky"?

Why doesn't "bounce" rhyme with "counts"?

Can one write poems that follows a rhyme scheme but no metre?

"Made a rhyme without effort" in English from Spanish "Hice verso sin esfuerzo"

Why don't "monkey" and "donkey" rhyme?

Is rhyming of two words a transitive property?

Rules for Near Rhymes