New posts in rhymes

What term would describe the following poetry elements like rhyme, alliteration, assonance, etc. that relate to the way the word is sounded?

Did "sublime" and "cherubim" rhyme in the past?

Can English have words that are both alliterations and also rhyme?

A pronunciation question of slough

Did noted 17th century poet Katherine Philips make a grammatical error?

In what sort of rhyme do matching consonants precede last stressed vowels?

How were 'eyes' and '-ies' pronounced in Shakespeare's times? [duplicate]

How does one find a word with a rhyming middle syllable?

What different types of rhymes are used here?

What is an adjective for words that rhyme or sound similar?

Online rhyme dictionary/rhyming resource that lists rhymes by vowel sound (assonance)

History of pronunciation of "moiety"

Why are identical rhymes inferior in English poetry?

Does broidered rhyme with whirred?

What do you call "rhymes" which are spelt but not sounded the same way?

What is the name of the poetic device where the author creates neologisms/malaprops to complete the rhyme?

"Yes marry have I" usage

What do you call a poem or song that sets up a rhyme and then ignores it?

What does this bit of Cockney mean?

Reading of Swift's On Poetry correctly