New posts in spanish

Microsoft Word is in English but "Figure", "Equation" and "Table" appear in Spanish

Pronunciation of "Paraguay"

Looking for a well-known refrain or proverb indicating that some big trouble has just started

Pronunciation of "Nevada" [closed]

What is the word of Spanish or Portuguese origin starting with "a" and meaning enthusiast?

Verb "abound" to ask someone to develop a subject

Is there an equivalent of the spanish "que hueva" slang expression in English to denote that you feel lazy about doing something?

Is "adios" an English word now?

Use of the definite article by Hemingway in "For Whom the Bell Tolls", in a way that doesn't seem to mimic Spanish grammar

Difference between "Make a choice" and "Make a desicion"/"Take a decision"

How to refer to a 'second' last name or family name?

Quickly translate a word from English

Hispanicisms in English

Mac has wrong Spanish keyboard layout

Does the whole always "comprise" the parts of something, and not the other way around? [closed]

"Made a rhyme without effort" in English from Spanish "Hice verso sin esfuerzo"

Since when is "Ese" used in American "Spanglish"?

How did Spanish "Sevilla" become English "Seville"?

Should "the" or "el" appear before a Spanish proper noun placed in an English text

"Floh-ree-dah" rather than "Flor-duh"