New posts in foreign-phrases

Is "enroute" an acceptable variant of "en route"?

Why are foreign words used in modern vernacular?

What does "B-grade" mean in the context of Japanese food?

Literary term for implied meaning

How to use foreign words in English writing

Is there a rule concerning nouns with foreign articles?

Phrase for when there is no point in speaking because you'll be met with excuses or rebuttal

What is the stylistic form to use for including foreign text in an English article?

Why the abbreviation "maitre d'"?

How would you translate this Spanish saying "Sacar un clavo con otro clavo" to English?

Message from seller

What is the correct way to properly quote and cite a foreign language resource? [closed]

Should "the" or "el" appear before a Spanish proper noun placed in an English text

Word or phrase for the beauty in pain, tragedy, damage, etc?

Meaning of 'quid pro quo': why does it diverge from its original Latin intention?

Origin of "How are you?"

What is the English pronunciation of "pain au chocolat"?

Etymology of Sleep like a Top

Why Cosmonaut, not Astronaut?

What's another phrase for "word for word"? [closed]