What is the correct way to properly quote and cite a foreign language resource? [closed]

Should I provide my own translation? If so, where?

It is important for this particular quote to appear directly: it is the crux of the argument.

A good source of information on this is surely The Chicago Manual of Style, which has a comprehensive section on foreign-language quotations (see §13.71-§13.79).

Should I provide my own translation?

This mainly depends on the intended readers. However, if the piece of text to be quoted is not too long, providing a translation can do no harm (if the translation is accurate).

If so, where?

If you expect your readers to be fluent in the foreign language and you don't want to interrupt the flow of your text, you can report the translation in a note. Otherwise, it is probably better to report the translation within parentheses directly after the original quotation.