New posts in style-manuals

How does one read aloud a birth year with no death year? Eg: John Smith (1994 – )

Love Experiences? Like Bonuses? Are these question fragments correct grammatically? [closed]

Is there a word or phrase in linguistics describes the patterns of English in common use?

When to use "And" at the start of sentence? [duplicate]

Do any style guides advocate the alternating use of "he" and "she" as a gender-neutral pronoun?

Is “the most amount of {countable things}” ever an acceptable replacement for “the greatest amount of {countable things}”?

What is the correct way to refer to someone during when they previously held a different rank/position/title?

Term for the error in the reason is because

Punctuating a question containing a quotation that itself contains a question, in MLA format

Chicago Manual of Style Headline-Style Capitalization

Can I use "innovate" as a transitive verb? [closed]

Yoga terms in English and the capitalization thereof

Distinguishing lowercase proper nouns in paragraphs

Where and when did the practice of using two spaces in the beginning of each sentence start, and is it still recommended?

Capitalization in military writing

Is "yearslong" a word?

Civil War/antebellum terms in Chicago style

Why do we use Roman numerals for some page numbers but Arabic ones for others?

What is the stylistic form to use for including foreign text in an English article?

Semicolon: Always required before conjunction if internal punctuation follows, even if no ambiguity?