New posts in military

Other ways to say "military glory"

Word request: Generalization of “spike” and “scuttle” and “slight”

How to say one minute past midnight in military time?

How did 'Classified' get so messed up?

What is the correct way to refer to someone during when they previously held a different rank/position/title?

Capitalization in military writing

When was the first documented use of "do you copy" by the military?

Single term for "non-fatal casualty"

Is there a universal format for 24-hour time?

What is the military term for calling attention to yourself, in a negative way?

What do you call glyphs representing kills painted on a weapon or vehicle?

Double up of a military formation

What are the origins of the phrase "field day" as used to refer to cleaning of a military barracks?

Etymology of "blackguard rating" in the context of the British Army during the Crimean War

Good English translation for French military term "Baptême du feu"

Are camp followers prostitutes?

How was the term 'payload' coined?

OED Appeals: Origin of "bimble"

What's the verb for troop movement, when a unit of soldiers travel by foot together? [closed]

"bucking for" .. like Klinger