New posts in french

There is any relation between the English verb "ask" and the French expression "est-ce que"?

How to use “extraordinaire” in English?

The history of 'aisle' and 'isle'

How can choosing to speak in English rather than French have an emotional impact on me? [closed]

Are there specific texts, such as French/English poetry, in which the word romance was originally used, and popularized in?

What is a good translation of "crâne de piaf" as a nickname?

Is there any connection between 'biscuit' and 'bisque'?

How can I translate the French expression "travailler en alternance" to English? [closed]

Is "enroute" an acceptable variant of "en route"?

Does "angular cheilitis" have any more commonly used synonyms than "perlèche" or "rhagades" which regular people would recognize?

"Bon/bonne chance!": spelling and loanword specifics?

How did 'ply' evolve into these 4 different definitions?

Why do definite articles seem implicit in English?

Etymology of 'just' as an adverb and its French connection

Four Hundred Blows

What could be a translation of classic-style French titles, such as "Du contrat social"?

How did 'estate' evolve to mean 'area of land or property'?

English for “À l’abordage!”?

Why do the French say "dent" where the English say "tooth? [closed]

Does "garçon" mean male waiters only, not female waitresses?