New posts in canadian-english

What is considered as verbatim copying exactly? [closed]

What is the most common name for the floor above the ground floor in Canada?

Draft Beer or Draught Beer (In Canada)

"Accessory" pronounced with a stress on the first syllable

How can choosing to speak in English rather than French have an emotional impact on me? [closed]

What does "beef on the rope" mean"

Term for aboriginal people of Canada in a historical context

In Canada, does the expression "I'll pick up your slack" have negative, derogatory or positive connotation?

Is written Canadian English closer to American English or British English?

Alternative terms for Men's and Women's T-shirts?

What word(s) do children of English native speakers use for "kid"/"child"/etc

Boogie - Negative connotation?

Do Canadians say 'go to hospital' or 'go to the hospital'?

What does "blazes" mean in "Stay the blazes home!"

What does it mean to be "hard done by" - a phrase I heard from a Canadian friend

Meaning of "bareback"

Spelling protocol (American/British/Canadian) for an International conference

What does the end of sentence "eh" tag mean in Canadian English?

Tuques and dialects - What do you call a knitted cap in your region/dialect? [closed]

Where exactly did the slang phrase "digging it" come from